Synergies in a partnership – for safer customers
Do you need to build a stronger bond with your customers? Help them with preventative measures to reduce cybersecurity risks?
No matter why you are considering offering your customers cybersecurity solutions, we are confident that we can offer synergies that make a difference in both your and your customers’ everyday lives.
Your customers need your help
There is a growing demand when it comes to information security support.
Many small and medium-sized companies grapple with risks and how to work preventively with safety issues in the organization. You hear and understand that times have changed, and that digitalisation has put the security issue at the top of the agenda – but the competence, time and resources are rarely already present in the organization.
All this means that many companies turn to their suppliers or partners in search of support and help. They want to know what they can do to protect their business from the threats that are out there.
With Safestate, you as a partner can in an easy and concrete way offer your customers support regarding cyber security.
Thanks to the scope of services that Safestate offers, it is only the imagination that sets the limit for what a partnership can look like; we offer flexible solutions that are tailored to your customer base, rooted in the needs that you see together.
Maybe you are looking for comprehensive tools, or maybe just the one?
Maybe you want to offer Safestate as a separate solution, or maybe you want to offer it as part of a larger whole of other services?
Either way, we’ve got you covered.

Partner Account Managers
Our Partner Account Managers are your personal key to offering customers cyber security. Since they have experience in the cyber security industry, and in several different types of partnerships, we are confident that they will be able to help you find the right type of approach for you and your customers.
Our Partner Account Managers have had dialogues with IT operating partners, insurance companies, hosting companies, service companies, telecom companies, member organizations, consulting companies, etcetera.
In other words we are confident that, regardless of your business, they can find an arrangement that is adapted to your business and your offer to your customers.

Together with The Swedish Confederation of Entrepreneurs
The Swedish Confederation of Entrepreneurs (Företagarförbundet) has started a collaboration with Safestate, which offers security solutions of varying degrees. Our basic offer together initially is a password monitor for your company’s email addresses.
Safestate continuously scans the web for the email addresses with the domain you registe, and warns you if your email addresses are “leaked” from any database. If this happens, you will receive a warning and can quickly change your passwords, thus keeping your accounts secure.
Mats Assarsson
Federal President
This is in Safestate

Vulnerability scanning
The tool scans chosen targets for known vulnerabilites (CVE’s). When the scan is finished, a report is created with a visual overview of detected vulnerabilities.
By helping your clients scanning their networks and websites you may find new common areas to work within, at the same time delivering security.
hacker attacks
occurs every day
of the breaches was made possible by hacking vulnerable systems.
organizations around the world where subjects to directed phishing attacks
of the breaches was done via a phishing attack

Credential breach detection
Our tool continuosly scans through clear, deep and dark web for new breaches and instantly alarms when a clients credentials is found. The biggest reason to why it is so important to put surveillance on the organizations credentials is because of how common it is for employees to reuse password on many different websites.
confesses to have reused old passwords
understands the issue.
but 59% goes ahead doing it anyway

Safestate connects you as a partner with your client
Safestate can among else be a tool for vulnerability scanning which you use to scan your clients networks and websites to help them find vulnerabilities.
But it can also be a whole concept where the scanning tool is just one ingredient in order to overview and administrate the organizations work with information security risks.
The more a client uses Safestate, the better the picture of their organization and current status.
Safestate is created and developed by Secify Group.
Secify works with IT & information security services as well as legal services within the field. With a deep knowledge and experience the services offered coveres the entire field of information security.