Vulnerability Scanning

Safestate’s website inspection is a type of external vulnerability scanning. An external vulnerability scan of a website is performed by an automated tool that scans the website from an external location, i.e., outside the internal environment where the website resides. Here is an overview of how the process works:

The value in scanning your website

Scanning your website with an external vulnerability scanner is crucial to ensure its protection and integrity. This method helps identify potential security flaws and vulnerabilities that can be exploited by attackers. By detecting and addressing such vulnerabilities in advance, you can prevent harmful intrusions, data theft, and other cyber attacks.

An external vulnerability scanner provides an objective assessment of your website’s security status by simulating various types of attacks and comparing the technology on your website against databases of known vulnerabilities.

Annual notifications of leaked user data
Identified technical vulnerabilities per year
Potential threats for customers identified per year

How does it work?

First and foremost, the scanner conducts a thorough identification and mapping of the website’s structure and content. This involves analyzing various components of the website, including its pages, links, and any interactive features. By creating a comprehensive overview of the website, the scanner can effectively navigate through its architecture and identify any vulnerabilities.

Afterward, the vulnerability scanning takes place, where the scanner utilizes various techniques to actively search for potential weaknesses in the website’s security. This may include testing for known vulnerabilities and misconfigurations in the software used on the website, such as web server programs, database managers, and plugins or add-ons.

During the vulnerability scanning, the scanner also explores potential weaknesses in the website’s configuration and security settings. This may involve examining how the website handles user authentication and authorization, how it protects sensitive information such as user data, and how it handles any input errors or data manipulation.

When the scanning is complete, the results are compiled into a detailed report. The report typically includes a list of the discovered vulnerabilities, including their type and severity level. Based on these findings, you can then take appropriate actions to address the identified vulnerabilities and enhance the security of the website.